1. Short-Term Rentals - Approved three amendments on short-term rentals (STR) discussed at the previous City Council meeting on 2/10/2025.
2. Trash Receptacle Art Campaign (TRAC) - Approved the TRAC Program with the Seaside Chamber of Commerce subject to final approval of an agreement by the City Manager and City Attorney.
3. Vista Ridge 2 Subdivision - Heard public comments and discussed the Vista Ridge 2 Subdivision proposal. No vote was taken on this matter at this meeting.
4. Ordinance 867 Repeal - Discussed repealing Ordinance 867 which provided for the preservation and control of lands westward of the prom to the ocean front, circa 1921, but want to hear from The Tides by the Sea before making a final decision. No vote was taken on this matter at this meeting.
5. Improvement Commission - City staff provided an overview of the Improvement Commission to councilors with the goal of educating the three new councilors and making them aware of their responsibility to each make an appointment to the Commission.
Board/Commission/Committee Vacancies
Airport Advisory Committee (1)
Budget Committee (1)
Community Center Commission (1)